Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Small Town America

Just started reading "Eventide" by Kent Haruf. I've only read four chapters and I started thinking about my childhood in small town, Vermont, Illinois. Started out as a farm child some six miles from town. I was too young to be of much account. Had three older brothers and three older sisters and one younger brother to keep me out of trouble. Dad farmed 160 acres and raised grain, animals, turkeys, chickens, etc. Had a large garden. Had a small lake and the neighbors would gather every winter to cut ice blocks and store them in our ice house. We all had ice during the summer for the ice boxes. There were four of our family in grade school at the same time, all in the same school room. I was in the first grade. Rode a horse to school. The school had stalls for the horses while we were in class. There was hay available for them also. We lost the farm in 1937 because of the depression. Dads sister and one of his Brothers acquired the farm with a quick claim deed and kicked us off the farm. I was still in the first grade. I remember going to town to our next home with one work horse and one riding horse pulling flat rack or hay rack with all our possession. We ended up with one riding horse, Old Bob, and one cow, Horny.
Had a big garden. Took up the whole yard. Over the years as things improved the garden grew smaller and smaller.

Dad borrowed money from the bank for the house and paid three dollars a month until it was paid off in 1967.

I started second grade the next year and it was the typical new kid on the block. I guess they didn't like my bib overalls.

I received one bloody nose and the teacher wouldn't let me back in the class room until I cleaned myself up. I saw a movie staring Rody McDow about that time and he had somewhat the same problem. I copied his use of his fists one day and never had any more trouble.

From then on I did what I had to do and far exceeded the expectations of my school teachers,

my parents and my peers. It seems like I always waited toll the last minute to act on the academic side.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Girl Friend

If Jesus was walking around the streets of Laredo today with his girl friend, you would see a beautiful young lady of African, European, Asian heritage. She would have a round oval face,
a light bronze tone complexion, a pool of big brown eyes and a smile as broad as a rainbow.
She would have dark flowing hair that she could flip at the toss of her head and creative talents
beyond anyones dreams and would move as soft as a shadow.

Her name is Flower.

Welcome, anyone who wants to add to the discription.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Who are the fathers?

The Laws of Our Fathers by Scott Turow (1996)

After reading the novel it looks like a pretty stupid title. I guess this s---- has to be blamed on fathers since most of us are.

1969 The college age male students are about to enter the draft lottery for service in Vietnam. The plans are to live in California, protest the war, get stoned on booze and drugs big time, have lots of sex, run to Canada and let me fight their war for them. The female squeeze is also there enjoying it all. All funded from home. Active professors who advocate revolution and the Marxist doctrine are in the mix teaching the throng.

1995 The lady and the gent are now new members of and profiting from the society they criticized and abused. The lady becomes a judge much to the dislike of the Chief Judge she works under. Females don't belong. The male is a writer of fame who wants everyone to fell sorry for him.

The real killer for me is the conditions in the getto where murder, crime, drugs sale and use are openly commited without consequences.

Its all covered. Black vs white, Jews and the holacaust, conspiritcy by anarchist, marriage,
divorce, sex drugs, booze, crime.

And we are still going to war, so who are the father?

Friday, March 18, 2011

My Brother's War

But first a few side comments.

Arlo says: Loravore--The desire to eat food produced near where you live. Hershey, PA was his

I now have a night light in my bath room that projects a scene on to the ceiling.

Last week I mowed, thatched, broom raked, aerated, and seeded the yard. Now I need a little rain.

All the doors are open to let spring in today. Still open 8 PM.

Some body said: Ugly as an obsene phone call.

From the story of Ordinary Heroes by Scot Turow: WWII

Jewish officer to a very difficult situation "Jesus"
British comment "Kerfuffle"
GI comment "snafu"

Epithets--Jew, N-----, Spic, Polack, Dago, Mick, Cracker, Hick, Okie, Mackeral-Snapper

Jewish Mother to son on marriage to a Christian. You think some priest can wave a magic wand
and go poo,poo so that instead of a chicken you are now a duck.

The battle of Bastone during the battle of the bulge.

If you want a Quick read.
Pages189-247 An impossibe assignmet for the understaffed unit.
Pages 289-298 Captured by the German SS.
Pages 321-327 Balingen Death Camp.

Not a very interesting presentation.

Foot Note.

I have been trying to locate a friend in Japan with Connie's help. No luck so far.