Sunday, October 31, 2010


Read Kathleen's blog of Oct 30 and was going to comment but thought my comment was a little long and I needed to a blog anyway.

I was walking across the campass here at Sagar Brown last January when a new employee
responsible for a program called Circles (A family support service) said to me. I'll bet you are
a minister down here to help out. I smiled and answered, no I am not a man of the word, I am
a person of deeds.

In the search for life I was born, I was a child, I was a teenager (fun) , I went to school, I went to
war, I went to college (loved it), I engineered, supervised, managed, directed, was a father ( the
best of times), built things, and fixed things. I have found that using my hands to perform any
task is my strengh. Without this I would just wither away. I wonder what Epictetus would say?

But then, Epictetus would remind me not to be concerned with what he would say.

I like that because on the day I elected to start blogging my main thought was not to worry
about any negative feedback it any form that I received about what I wrote.


  1. Love this, Ted! Soldiers used to carry Epictetus's manual into war, I read!

  2. Ted wrote the above blog. Ted wrote this too.

  3. Ted, Kim came to the poetry reading today and heard Tim Hunt read his poems. He has family in northern California named Tingley! He loved that you liked the interview in my blog.
